December 8th – Christmas Clothing

I’m not a fashion guru, I don’t follow trends and for the most part my mom buys me a majority of my clothes– but I can still tell when something is tacky.  All Christmas clothing is tacky whether it’s a pair of Christmas tree socks, some Christmas light earrings or the dreaded Christmas sweater.

Why do people wear these things? We get it, it’s Christmas, I don’t need to look at your shirt to be reminded.  If these people were wearing them out of a need to camoflague themselves with the decorations, like if they were spies or assassins or something, then it’d be cool. But guess what, they’re not! They’re just kids, moms and old people!

I want to sit here and say “What’s the point of buying clothing that you can only wear one month out of the year?” but really, is that even stopping anyone anymore? The people who wear these tacky outfits are tacky people who don’t seem to care that its a fashion faux pas to even be wearing a sweater with an embroidered Santa Claus on it, let alone the fact that it’s February.

Maybe one day some high-end designer will get into the Christmas spirit and design some trendy, stylish outfits that incorporate imagery of the season and we’ll all go through a weird phase as a society where we’re always wearing Santa hats and light up sweatshirts.  But even then we’ll probably look back ten years later and be all like “Look at the tacky clothes we used to wear!”

One Response to “December 8th – Christmas Clothing”

  1. The ladies at work loooove to decorate themselves for Christmas. One year they wanted everyone to wear a Santa hat… I refused.

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